Strategic Objective #2: Professional Culture, Relationships & Climate

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Professional Culture, Relationships & Climate
Create an environment that honors and celebrates diversity, growth mindset, and social-emotional wellness
  Strategies & Action Steps for the School Year 2021-2026
2.1 Build and sustain a responsive learning environment driven by voice and choice, that infuses opportunities for students to incorporate their own identity (race, gender, neurodiversity, language) into their learning experiences
2.2 Promote a school culture that encourages and honors all voices
2.3 Provide professional learning opportunities for all staff focused on growth mindset, social-emotional learning, and culturally responsive practices
2.4 Recruit, hire, support, mentor, and retain a diverse group of highly qualified educators, leaders and staff
2.5 Seek ways to know, understand, and integrate each student and family's identity and varied experiences to best shape their child's education and well-being
2.6 Design and develop a social-emotional learning vision for all members of our community and a framework that identifies guiding principles for community partnerships, equitable opportunities for all, and resources necessary for implementation




  • Build and sustain a responsive learning environment, driven by voice and choice, that infuses opportunities for students to incorporate their own identity (race, gender, neurodiversity, language) into their learning experiences
    • Within each classroom, PK-12, the instructional materials are designed specifically to center the learning around each student
    • Within the performing and visual arts classrooms, culturally affirming  instructional materials have been utilized to stimulate student participation
    • Professional development thorough Katie Novak consulting regarding Universal Design for Learning
    • Funding strategically used to increase our library holdings of reading materials which reflect our student and family demographics

  • Promote a school culture that encourages and honors all voices
  • Implemented the use of student surveys at the middle and high school levels regarding topics such as engagement, safety etc. 
  • Student Advisory Groups established for the first time at the middle school level
  • Implemented the use of staff surveys regarding building and district culture, professional learning needs along with district priorities (SOA)
  • Provide instructional materials and professional learning that centers Taunton classrooms around students’ experience, knowledge, and voice

  • Provide professional learning opportunities for all staff focused on growth mindset, social emotional learning, and culturally responsive practices
    • Instructional Leadership Teams participated in Harvard’s Universal Design Series to provide students with more access to meaningful learning experiences
    • All teachers in the core subjects are participating in professional learning in new curricula that have these practices embedded within the instructional practices
    • Professional learning opportunities in support of Social Justice, Cultural Proficiency and equitable grading practices have been provided

  • Recruit, hire, support, mentor, and retain a diverse group of highly qualified educators, leaders, and staff
    • Participated in Department of Education’s Professional Learning Community in Diversification of staff with other districts to learn best practices
    • Became a member of Massachusetts Partnership for Diversity in Education - attended an in-person job fair geared at recruiting diverse candidates
    • Attended the American Association of School Personnel Administrators Diversity Summit to discuss ways to attract and retain diverse staff
    • Continued to work on creating a diverse pipeline of young diverse educators by leading the high school internship program
    • Created a Young Educators Club at Taunton High to promote occupations within the field of education
    • Partnered with Bridgewater State University to host Student Success Coaches within our schools

  • Seek ways to know, understand, and integrate each student and family’s identity and varied experiences to best shape their child’s education and well-being
    • Hosted math and literacy nights at the elementary schools to strengthen home/school academic partnerships
    • Cultural Fairs, nights or pot luck dinners sponsored in conjunction with families in an effort  to promote intercultural connectivity 
    • Collaborate with PTO/PTU school organizations to promote a variety of family events that are centered around student interest