When possible, medications should be administered to the student outside of school hours. If it is necessary that the medication be administered during the school day, please note the following requirements:
- Signed consent by the parent or guardian to give the medicine. Please complete the enclosed consent form and give it to your school nurse.
- Signed medication order. The written medication order form should be taken to your child's licensed prescriber (your child's physician, nurse practitioner, etc.) for completion and returned to the school nurse. This order must be renewed as needed and at the beginning of each academic year.
Medicines should be delivered to the school in a pharmacy or manufacturer-labeled container by you or a responsible adult whom you designate. Please ask your pharmacy to provide separate bottles for school and home. No more than a thirty-day supply of the medicine should be delivered to the school.
In addition, if your student uses an Epi-pen, inhaler, or any other rescue medication, please provide the above documentation and the medication.
You can find the appropriate forms here