Special Education
Important Information
New IEP Form for 2024-2025 Family Workshops
Dear Families:
We hope this letter finds you well. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education released a new Individualized Education Program (IEP) form to be used in school and districts across the state. Beginning September 2024, your student's education team is committed to providing the best possible supports and services for your student 's educational journey, and use of the new IEP form.
We hope this letter finds you well. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education released a new Individualized Education Program (IEP) form to be used in school and districts across the state. Beginning September 2024, your student's education team is committed to providing the best possible supports and services for your student 's educational journey, and use of the new IEP form.
We are thrilled to announce upcoming workshops that we are hosting in partnership with the Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC). This workshop will focus on the crucial role of families as active partners in the Individualized Education Program (IEP) process. These will be held on the following dates and locations:
• April 30, 2024: Martin Middle School Auditorium, 131 Caswell St, 6 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
• May 14, 2024 : Pole Library, 215 Harris St, 6 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
• May 23, 2024 : Friedman Middle School Auditorium, 500 Norton Ave, 6 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
The IEP process plays a significant role in ensuring that each child with special needs receives the support and resources necessary to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. At the heart of this process lies the collaboration between families, educators, and service providers. This workshop presents a valuable opportunity for families to gain insights, ask questions, and connect with other families navigating similar journeys. We encourage all families with children receiving special education services to attend.
Please register for one of the family workshops by clicking here to secure your spot. We believe by working together as partners, we can create meaningful and impactful educational experiences for our students. We look forward to seeing you at the workshop.
We recognize the demands of busy schedules and the challenges they bring. As such, the district will be hosting additional workshops in the future.
Should you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me at
[email protected]
[email protected]
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NEW for January 2024
Dear Families and Guardians of students receiving Special Education Services,
Taunton Public Schools’ Department of Special Education is happy to announce they will be
transitioning to the use of DocuSign for families and guardians to sign their students’ Individualized
Education Programs (IEPs).
With many aspects of education, communication, and daily practices turning virtual, the Department of
Special Education finds it both necessary and beneficial to families to provide e-signatures through
DocuSign as a means to verify documentation.
Our hope is this will expedite the IEP process and allow your child’s services to be implemented as soon
as possible.
Beginning in January, at your child’s Team meeting, your Team Chair will provide you with similar
communication about DocuSign. At that point, you will begin to receive your student’s IEP and
supporting documents via email and text message. Parents and caregivers will be able to review the
documents and electronically sign them. Once you have signed the document, you will receive a
notification and a copy to print or save for your records.
You will also be provided with information on how to sign your student’s IEP. This one minute video
will be posted on the Special Education Page of the District’s website.
We are excited about this opportunity. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions.
Amy Moynihan, M.S.Ed, C.A.G.S
Director of Special Education/ District 504 Coordinator
Taunton Public Schools
[email protected]
Amy Moynihan, M.S.Ed, C.A.G.S
Director of Special Education/ District 504 Coordinator
Taunton Public Schools
[email protected]
Click here for our FAQ about DOCUSIGN